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Hold Circulation, the latest chapter in the series, a fractured library comes together for the holidays.

Three months have gone by since the developments of Book 2. The clerical staff are pushed to the brink as Robin Walker has been exiled. Stripped of his clerical duties and reduced to stamping Date Due cards. Sonyai Yi is determined to discourage the part-time clerk into resigning but he plans to earn her respect back, no matter how long it takes.

While the rest of the staff deal with their personal problems and new opportunities, Tanya Brown is approached by her former lover, who wishes to rekindle their secret romance from the past. While she contemplates her options, another library page, Alex Stevens plans a celebration with selective invitees, which leads to a devastating reversal of fortune.

But the most critical event happens just as Robin has been forgiven and brought back to active duty. When an unusual incident leads to another shocking and immediate departure. An overzealous library investigator sets his sights on the incident in question, which brings an uninvited spotlight on the staff of 58th Street, with Robin facing an intense trial by fire.